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Prepare your social media report in 5 steps without dying trying

4 min.
Prepare your social media report in 5 steps without dying trying
Prepare your social media report in 5 steps without dying trying

<p><strong>The social media report is an essential tool for measuring the performance of your social media strategy. Do you want to discover how to create it without drama</strong></p>? <figure><img src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1627820751059-43001b92c076?crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&fit=max&fm=jpg&ixid=MnwxMTc3M3wwfDF8c2VhcmNofDYyfHxyZXBvcnR8ZW58MHx8fHwxNjc4Nzk4NDk4&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&q=80&w=2000"/></figure><p>Do you get cold sweats as soon as you hear a social media report? We want you to reconcile yourself with this fundamental part of your work. Join us on this journey through the 5 fundamental steps you must take to prepare a social media report and let us open your eyes to a way to save work and improve your social media and online marketing strategies</p>. <p>And for this we are going to return to the origins and travel to a future that is already here and that you may not yet know.</p> <h2>Review your Social Media Strategy</h2> <p>Before jumping into a pool full of data and metrics that may get deeper and deeper, take a look at your social media strategy. If you did a good job of analyzing before (and we expect nothing less from you), it's time to reap the fruits of your efforts. In it, you will find the objectives set, as well as the metrics that you must analyze to evaluate their compliance</p>. <p>Focus and dive deeper into what's important. This is the best starting point for achieving consistency between what you have planned and what you plan to analyze. But if you notice that it's not working, don't be discouraged. Maybe it's time to update your social media strategy.</p> <h2>Define the frequency and target audience of the social media report</h2> <p>Just as we set short, medium and long term objectives, there are also certain KPIs that need a minimum journey to be evaluated. Therefore, it is important to consider whether we are going to prepare a weekly, monthly or annual report before deciding what data we are going to reflect in the analysis. This also applies when drafting the conclusions</p>. <p>While you're preparing your social media report, you shouldn't stop wondering who it's for. Is it for your team, for your direct boss, for the company's CEO, for a customer...? Before selecting the data and defining how to explain it, consider the purpose of the presentation. Justifying investment in social networks will not be the same as evaluating results in order to optimize work. Nor will it be the same if your recipients work daily with social networks or if they are not used to this terminology</p>. <h2>Capture and cross data from multiple sources</h2> <p>The time has finally come to extract and collect all the necessary data for the social media report. As our lives unfold more in virtual environments, social interactions grow exponentially, as do the places where we relate. Technology makes it possible to measure each of our steps more and more precisely.</p> <p>As a Community Manager, Social Media Manager or Social Media Analyst, you often need to obtain information scattered in different spaces. Attempting to do this by hand and without the right tools can turn into a titans' job. The solution involves connecting the different data sources and integrating the analysis into a single platform. This is the only way to ensure that the data is correct and complete</p>. <h2>Interpret data and draw relevant conclusions</h2> <p>Automation has come into our lives to make it easier. There's no question about that. But also to give us the time needed to dedicate ourselves to value-added tasks. And one of them is to analyze in detail the meaning of the data. That is, to transform raw data (without much meaning) into useful knowledge.</p> <p>If we can streamline processes that we used to carry out manually, we can focus on detecting patterns that indicate a change in trends or on measuring the degree to which the objectives have been met. It is this type of information that will make the difference and will help us make decisions to optimize our social media strategy.</p> <h2>Data visualization</h2> <p>And we ended up returning to the pool. If all this data is not well organized and presented, you could end up drowning your interlocutors in a sea of meaningless numbers. Therefore, the last step is to give shape to all the information using graphics that facilitate the understanding of the data</p>. <p>A good visualization allows you to know at a glance the performance of a stock, compare your strategy with that of the competition, identify your position in the market or evaluate the fulfillment of your objectives. Therefore, far from being something aesthetic, it has essential functionality for social media analysts. Thus, it has become a basic element throughout the analysis process and not just the last step on the road.</p>


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