Share of voice (SoV), the conversion rate and the weighted cost of organic impressions

3 Social Media KPIs Your CEO Will Love

3 min.
3 Social Media KPIs Your CEO Will Love

<p>Convince your CEO of the importance of investing in planning, content and analytics thanks to these social media KPIs that will help you make smarter decisions.</p> <figure><img src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1607703703520-bb638e84caf2?crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&fit=max&fm=jpg&ixid=MnwxMTc3M3wwfDF8c2VhcmNofDE1fHx0YXJnZXR8ZW58MHx8fHwxNjc4Nzk4MDkx&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&q=80&w=2000"/></figure><p>As a social media professional, you've probably already told your CEO that managing social networks isn't limited to writing witty messages and choosing the funniest emojis. But it's not always easy to get them to internalize the value of your work and its impact on business figures. And even less so if we talk about making you understand social media KPIs</p>. <p>You've come to terms with it. Part of your job is to justify your steps and your decisions. Something exhausting! It's understandable if your CEO wants to know what their investment in social media translates into. In other words: how strategy and actions on social networks contribute to generating more business for your company or your client if you are an agency. This is where we hope to help you.</p> <h2>Social media KPIs, objectives or metrics</h2>

<p># #KPIs of social networks, objectives or metrics</p> <p>Before we get into the flour, we need to make clear three important concepts of social media KPIs that we manage every day of those who move in this world, but that your CEO doesn't have to know: Social media <strong>metrics:</strong></p> <ul><li>They refer to each of the data that we can extract from our activity on social networks, or from the competition;). Although each channel has its peculiarities, many of them are common (number of views, posts, interactions, etc.). By themselves, they are not as valuable as if we relate them to others and put them in their context; for example, why a certain day of the week improves reach or if a certain content generates more reactions. We have access to more and more metrics; as we always say, it's important not to lose focus and focus on the ones that interest us most based on</li> your objectives. <li><strong>Social media KPIs</strong>: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are precisely those metrics that you look at to evaluate the performance of your actions. Therefore, you should limit yourself to those that are most relevant when it comes to knowing the success or failure of your strategy. And, beware! , you must not only be able to measure them properly, but also to carry out analysis and continuous monitoring. Don't commit to social media KPIs that you can't guarantee monitoring, or look for the resources to achieve this. And which ones to choose? Well, they will differ depending on whether your goal is to grow your community or improve the conversion rate, for example</li>. Social <li><strong>media objectives</strong>: They are the basis on which the social media strategy should be built, but paradoxically they are the great forgotten ones. Before dealing with metrics or KPIs, it is important to define precisely what we want to achieve, what we are working for. Once you've put the strategy in place, they help you stay focused on what's important. It's not always easy or fast to monitor their level of compliance. If this is something that throws you back when it comes to working with objectives, get the necessary resources or tools to speed up monitoring</li></ul>. <h3>3 social media KPIs for your CEO</h3> <h3>Conversion rate or share of voice (SoV)</h3> <p>This KPI tells us the percentage of mentions of your brand compared to the competition. It allows you to know their level of relevance within the sector. The higher that portage, the closer you will be to your potential customers; and the farther away your competition will be. Your CEO will want to know this KPI because it will give him an idea of the company's level of visibility and recognition within the market and will allow him to focus his</p> business actions. <h3>Conversion rate</h3> <p>Measures the number of users who perform the action we ask them to do. That is, the number of actions among the total visits. The most direct example is a purchase, but it's not limited to that. Whether or not you work with a virtual store or a booking tool, this RRSS KPI will be very useful to you. Your CEO will be interested to know the effectiveness of the call to action (CTA or Call To Action) in obtaining information from potential customers; for example, by subscribing to a newsletter, participating in a raffle or downloading content. After all, in the world of GDPR, every contact is gold.</p> <h3>Weighted Cost of Organic Impressions</h3> <p>This is not a typical KPI, but rather it simulates the investment that would have been necessary to disburse to achieve a certain volume of impressions through paid publications. It results from multiplying organic impressions x CPM (the average cost per thousand impressions in previous campaigns) and dividing it by 1,000. Your CEO will love to discover how much has been saved and you will love to value the quality of</p> your content. <p><strong>Tell us! Did you know the importance of these KPIs</strong></p>? <p><strong>Do you want to know how we at Welov can help you transform your social media analysis?</strong></p>


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